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Animal Intuitive Workshop

Facilitated by "Dr. Bee"

a.k.a. Brandy L. Howe, DD

Animal Intuitive Lightworker,Reiki Master 

 Introduction to Animal Communication

This workshop covers the concept of telepathic communication and intuition with animals. A variety of exercises will be incorporated into this workshop to help all in attendance experience a telepathic exchange. Dr. Howe will explain how we all have the ability to communicate with animals and nature; the key is to listen.

“Like people, animals manifest dis-ease as a way of handling emotions they cannot otherwise release. They feel and experience the same emotions that humans do, but they do not have the same levels of understanding and control of their lives that humans do. Therefore, pets have increased frustration and fear. A dog or cat that is particularly bonded to their person may also manifest the person’s dis-ease or emotions, thereby sacrificing herself in the process. Pets take upon themselves the job of clearing their people and homes of disturbing energy. If the family is in crisis, the animal picks this up and may not be strong enough to transform it.” Diane Stein, “Essential Reiki

Dr. Howe will be discussing the use of Reiki and other energy balancing techniques and natural healing methods along with solutions to common behavioral, emotional and training issues. Scientific research is slowly beginning to substantiate the many anecdotal claims of pet owners who say that their animals are psychic. Psychologist Michael Fox of Washington University studied extraordinary cases of psychic cats. For example, he records a New York vet who left his pet behind when he was relocated to a new job 2,500 miles away in California. Six months later an identical cat walked into his new home. When he examined it, he found a deformation on the fourth vertebrae of the tail…an injury he had himself treated when the cat was bitten as a kitten.

“And Yes, My Little Ones, The Animals Will Talk.” Ken Carey “The Starseed Transmissions”

Will YOU be there to listen? $40.00 per person

Be sure to bring a picture of your beloved pet/pets!

Please register early as this class is always booked and seating is limited. Thank You.


Level 1—Introduction to Animal Communication.

Level 2—Introduction to Crystal Healing & Hands-On Healing for Animals—Exercises & Practice in Animal Energy & Communication. 

Level 3—Reiki, Energy Balancing Techniques & Vibrational Medicine for Animals.

Level 4—Aromatherapy, Flower Remedies & Natural Supplementation for Animals.   

**Level 5—Animal Intuitive Communication & Energy Balancing, as A Profession. Certificate of Completion Through Nite Star Life Awareness. Ethics, Charges, Long Distance, How To Conduct A Workshop /Train Others & More! 

**Pre-Requisites to Level 5:  

1. Must Complete Levels 1-4 through Nite Star Life Awareness

2. Must hold a valid Reiki Level-1 Certification.

3. Completion of written exam and work/study project as directed by . by Dr. Brandy L. Howe.   

See "Classes with Dr. Brandy" for fee schedule. 

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